No.485 English Meeting 9/14

President K officially opened the meeting, warmly addressing the audience. The theme for the day was Generative AI, setting a contemporary tone for the session. TMOD T creatively introduced each member by describing a fictional generative AI version of their character, which added an exciting twist to the traditional introductions. TM M announced the Phrase of the Day: "little by little", which is fitting to our club philosophy "one more step", necessary for any kind of learning.

The Table Topics segment was led by TM Y, who selected the theme of Autumn. TM E, TM T, TM O, TM S, TM I, and TM K were invited to the lectern in turns, and they shared their autumn memories. TM K, the Table Topics Evaluator provided insightful evaluations, highlighting the unique qualities of each speaker and offering detailed feedback.

In the Prepared Speech section, we enjoyed four diverse and engaging speeches:

• TM T shared a personal experience about workplace communication and the lessons she learned.

• TM S entertained us with a humorous story about his failed attempt to finish the movie Mission Impossible during a flight.

• TM E spoke candidly about managing emotions with his engaging Tuna story, exploring the balance between confrontation and friendship.

• TM P shared a life episode on how love as an emotion helps us grow and learn to be caring of another person, expecting nothing in return.

The General Evaluator, TM P, provided a summary of the individual evaluations given by TM K, TM O, TM I, and TM S and also provided feedback on the overall meeting’s structure and flow.

As the meeting concluded, President K invited the three guest visitors to share their impressions. After their remarks, she officially closed the meeting.


武蔵小杉トーストマスターズクラブ(武蔵小杉TMC)は、武蔵小杉周辺にて、英語と日本語で実施するバイリンガルなスピーチクラブです。 スピーチの実践を楽しむ事を通して、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップ/英語(日本語)の上達を目的とする社会人サークルです。100年近い歴史があり、今も世界中に拡がり続ける、米国発のスピーチのノウハウを、メンバ同士がお互いに助け合いながら学んでいます。


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