No.486日本語例会 9/28

The Musako Toastmasters Club held its 486th meeting on September 28, 2024, at the 生涯学習プラザ201, welcoming 24 members and 2 returning guests. President K officially opened the meeting and warmly welcomed the audience with her opening note. Led by TM S as the Toastmaster of the Day, the meeting featured diverse roles, including Timer (TM T), Ah Counter (TM K), Vote Counter (TM K) and Grammarian (TM T), who introduced the word of the day, 僥倖 (ぎょうこう). TM F assumed the role of Joke Master, sharing a humorous story about a divine encounter with a stranger in a supermarket. The induction of TM O as a new member marked a grand celebratory moment. In the Table Topics segment, TM P guided participants through a reflection on seasonal change, with members and guests sharing insights on life advice and personal challenges. TM O (TT Evaluator) provided a detailed review of each speakers' performance. The prepared speech segment was equally engaging, featuring five engaging speeches on themes ranging from self-reflection, sophistication of Japanese toilets, to local history. The General Evaluator TM M nicely summed up the whole meeting and individual performances. Notably, TM O won Best Speaker for his speech, “不知の知,” while TM K and TM K earned recognition for Best Evaluator and Best Table Topics Speaker, respectively. As the meeting concluded, President K invited the two guest visitors as well as the silent members to share their impressions. After their remarks, she officially closed the meeting. Overall, the meeting was a well-rounded and dynamic session, fostering participation and learning.


武蔵小杉トーストマスターズクラブ(武蔵小杉TMC)は、武蔵小杉周辺にて、英語と日本語で実施するバイリンガルなスピーチクラブです。 スピーチの実践を楽しむ事を通して、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップ/英語(日本語)の上達を目的とする社会人サークルです。100年近い歴史があり、今も世界中に拡がり続ける、米国発のスピーチのノウハウを、メンバ同士がお互いに助け合いながら学んでいます。


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