#354 Chapter Meeting

English regular meeting has held.  We have four speakers today.
TM S gave a persuasive speech to suggest how to make TT session more useful and practical from a business person’s viewpoint. I am looking forward to seeing his TT mastering. 
TM K made her speach with outstanding facial expression, vocal variety and body language, she talked about what she had learned at a cram school in her mid-teens and won the Best Speaker award.  
TM M talked about her colleague Miwa and her decision to take offers as much as possible.
TM another M talked about a family gathering to celebrate his grandmother’s 90th birthday.   
TM P made his first challenge of evaluator and his advice was constructive. He won the Best Evaluator award. 
I am so sad Two members will leave the club this month.  Because of relocation for job.  I wish best luck of both of your new  challege !


武蔵小杉トーストマスターズクラブ(武蔵小杉TMC)は、武蔵小杉周辺にて、英語と日本語で実施するバイリンガルなスピーチクラブです。 スピーチの実践を楽しむ事を通して、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップ/英語(日本語)の上達を目的とする社会人サークルです。100年近い歴史があり、今も世界中に拡がり続ける、米国発のスピーチのノウハウを、メンバ同士がお互いに助け合いながら学んでいます。


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