#355 Chapter Meeting

Today we got 3 interesting speaches.
1st speaker was S san. He introduced his love of supermarket. His speech structure was perfect then we completely understood the reason he loved it.
2nd speaker was Iwa san. He shared his favorite book , "心の処方箋". 
The book say "Perfectly correct advice is useless, we should have responsivirity what to say" . He mentioned " if alchoholic dranker say , 'too much drinking is not good' this advice is useless. Because dranker has no responsibility of his comment. " As conclusion, he asked to give good feedback about his speach with cosidering evaluators responsibility. 
3rd speaker was Ishi san. His speech was well prepared by using the projector and a set of speakers like show biz. We got many information from his slides like 36 元号s in Edo era, the meaning of B.C. and A.C and so on.
Finally 2nd speaker Iwa san won the best prize!


武蔵小杉トーストマスターズクラブ(武蔵小杉TMC)は、武蔵小杉周辺にて、英語と日本語で実施するバイリンガルなスピーチクラブです。 スピーチの実践を楽しむ事を通して、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップ/英語(日本語)の上達を目的とする社会人サークルです。100年近い歴史があり、今も世界中に拡がり続ける、米国発のスピーチのノウハウを、メンバ同士がお互いに助け合いながら学んでいます。


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