#358 New officers election and WS event

We had annual event of next term officers election.

Candidates and supporters delvered their speech.  Even if it is an election celemony, when we got a chance to speak in public, off course we try to entertain audience. 
So, today we also got lots of fun with unique and humorous speeches.

They are new officers!!
Then, second part is a workshop.
We have two workshops Today.

"How to facilitate my own special theame toastmasters meeting by myself! "

We learned lots of ideas and philosophy for theme meetings from TM K, who called QEEN of special theme meeting.
One of the most important point to organize fun meeting is "To be honest your desire !!"
I wanna try to release my libido like her someday.

2nd WS is
"How to find a speech idea"
I delivered the theory to find idea and how to use it on speach making.
Unfortunately  projectors trouble occur often , I straggle to deliver.
Luckly my creativity was really stimulated with many trouble´д` ;


武蔵小杉トーストマスターズクラブ(武蔵小杉TMC)は、武蔵小杉周辺にて、英語と日本語で実施するバイリンガルなスピーチクラブです。 スピーチの実践を楽しむ事を通して、コミュニケーション/リーダーシップ/英語(日本語)の上達を目的とする社会人サークルです。100年近い歴史があり、今も世界中に拡がり続ける、米国発のスピーチのノウハウを、メンバ同士がお互いに助け合いながら学んでいます。


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